The infamous wet dog smell—there’s nothing quite like it. It’s a peculiar mix of stale and stagnant that often lingers despite your best efforts to clean your furry friend. While dogs typically dry off and return to their mild, musky scent, sometimes the odor persists.

If your dog remains stinky no matter how many baths you give them, or if the smell is constant, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are effective solutions, and the persistent odor might signal an underlying condition that can be treated.

In this guide, we’ll explore why dogs smell, what’s considered normal, how to prevent odor after your dog goes outside, and the top four reasons why your dog might still stink after a bath. Plus, we’ll provide tips on what you can do to keep that doggy scent at bay.

Does Dog Smell Ever Go Away?

First things first: all dogs have a natural smell. It’s partly due to their fur and skin. If you’re struggling with your dog’s natural musk and wondering how to make them smell better, you should know that a completely odorless dog doesn’t exist. However, if your dog has a persistent, foul, or strong odor that doesn’t go away after a bath, it might indicate a more serious issue that requires veterinary attention. Catching and addressing these issues early is crucial.

How to Mask Wet Dog Smell (or Any Dog Odor)

While you can’t have an odorless dog, you can manage and mask unpleasant smells. Addressing the source of the odor is always preferable to just covering it up, as masking can lead to other issues in your home.

To combat stubborn wet dog smell or other odors, consider using the Angry Orange Pet Deodorizer Set. This product doesn’t merely mask odors; it neutralizes them with enzymes and is safe for pets. It works on various surfaces like furniture, carpets, and wood. Just remember, it’s not meant to be sprayed directly on your pet—use it on the surfaces they’ve come into contact with.

dog bath

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

If your dog’s odor persists, you might think that more frequent baths are the solution. However, overbathing can be harmful. On average, dogs should be bathed roughly once a month. Bathing too often can irritate their skin and damage their fur. Even if your dog has a persistent odor, limit baths to every other week at most.

Tips for Preventing Odor After Your Dog Goes Outside

Wondering why your dog smells after going outside? They may have rolled in something unpleasant, stepped in a mess, or eaten something foul. Here’s how to manage that outdoor smell without a full bath:

  • Brush their fur 2-5 times a week to remove debris and loose fur.
  • Pat them down with cornstarch to absorb excess oils and odors.
  • Wash their bedding regularly to keep their resting area fresh.

4 Reasons Your Dog Still Stinks After a Bath

If you’ve tried everything and your dog still smells bad, consider these potential causes:

1. Skin Inflammation or Infection

Skin issues can cause persistent odor. External irritants, allergens, burns, or infections can lead to smelly skin. If your dog is scratching excessively, has scaling, or is rubbing against surfaces, a visit to the vet is essential. Avoid using any shampoos or treatments until you have veterinary advice.

2. Ear Infection

Ear infections can be a major source of odor. If your dog is frequently scratching their ears, shaking their head, or showing discomfort when you touch their ears, they might have an ear infection. Dogs are more prone to ear infections due to their ear structure. Consult your vet for proper cleaning and treatment.

3. Dental Issues & Foul Breath

Bad breath can be a sign of dental problems. Chew toys and dental treats can help maintain oral health by reducing plaque and tartar. However, if your dog’s breath is persistently bad despite these measures, a vet visit is recommended.

4. Poor Quality Food & Diet

A low-quality diet can impact your dog’s smell. Poor-quality dog food can disrupt their digestive system, leading to foul odors. If you’re struggling with your budget, consider prioritizing high-quality food as part of your dog’s care. Good nutrition is vital for overall health and odor control.

How to Maintain a Fresh Scent on Your Dog After Bathing

dog toweling

For those not dealing with the above issues but still facing post-bath odor, try these methods:

  • Use multiple towels to thoroughly dry your dog, which helps prevent lingering dampness and odor.
  • Apply a pet-friendly scent neutralizer while they’re still wet (Note: Avoid using products not meant for pets directly on them. Opt for a pet-specific deodorizer).
  • Ensure thorough cleaning during each bath to remove all dirt and oils.

Final Thoughts

If your dog still smells after a bath, this guide should help you pinpoint the cause and find a solution. Persistent odors often indicate an underlying issue that requires veterinary attention. By addressing these issues promptly, you can keep your dog smelling fresh and healthy.

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Last Update: September 6, 2024

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